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Please Dont Make Up Drive

Please Dont Make Up Drive

Given a shockingly high figure of half a million car crashes a year caused by women drivers applying make-up (in the UK alone), awareness of this underestimated danger needs to be raised. Based on this insight the aim of a viral video by DDB Berlin and Volkswagen is to address a target audience of young women drivers and educate them about the danger of putting on make up while driving.

The objective is to reach as many young women as possible all over the world. In order to do so, DDB Berlin picked up the latest viral trend among young women: haul videos. These videos are often put on the web by girls, who buy cosmetics and give make up tutorials on how to use the respective products. Together with the famous haul girl Nikkie, who has over 150,000 subscribers, DDB Berlin created the tutorial “a crash course to shine” carrying the message in a way that is designed for impact.

Link to full case:

Tags: Industry: Automotive
Company: Volkswagen
Agency: DDB
Country: Germany
Prize: Epica Award,Eurobest,London International Awards
Year: 2012
Type of content: Video case study
Language: English
Topics: Social Marketing