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Bing | Decode Jay-Z

Bing | Decode Jay-Z

Due to long-established, habitual relationships with Google, Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, suffered from perpetually low penetration and relevance with influential audiences. To help break the Google habit, Droga5 sought to create an actual product demonstration of Bing’s benefits that would catapult it into culture. Identifying the launch of Jay Z’s autobiography, Decoded, as the perfect partnership opportunity, Droga5 created an interactive game experience that put every page of the book in a different location, based on the content of the page. Bing allowed fans to discover the book in real-world locations and try to be the first player to compile it. The campaign created a media value two times the investment, generated nearly one billion media impressions and increased Bing’s market share to the highest percentage since its launch in 2009.(

Tags: Industry: Computer,Search engine
Company: Bing
Agency: Droga5,Droga5 New York
Country: United States
Prize: Cannes Lion Prize
Year: 2011
Type of content: Video case study
Language: English
Topics: Digital Marketing