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Pay for placement (P4P)

Paid Search

 When a searcher enters a query on Baidu, he/she will get a list of natural search results ranked by relevance with several relevant text advertisements alongside or above those results. This type of paid search advertising on the search result page is Baidu's P4P (Pay for Placement) product.

The following screenshot shows paid search ads with exact match and high relevance with search query showing on the left side above the natural search results, while those low relevance or broad match ads show on the right side.


An advertising owner can select keywords in which the queries are related to his/her business, and decide the match type and the maximum bidding price he/she would like to pay for every click on his/her ads. Please note that based on Baidu's requirement, ad title or description must have keywords inserted.


Search Engines do not have barriers of locations, but have barriers of language or culture. Therefore, please keep in mind that most searchers on Baidu will be using Mandarin for query even if they can speak English very well. This means English keywords will not drive a considerable amount of impressions or clicks.