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There is only one country in the world where women are still prohibited from driving: Saudi Arabia. This changed in late September when King Salman's historic royal decree granted women the right to drive. Nissan strives to make the innovation and excitement of driving accessible to all, so the news presented an opportunity to genuinely bring this promise to life, at a time when all other carmakers are doing little beyond offering congratulations and concocting car-giveaway competitions. To give women the confidence to exercise their right, and encourage men to support their decision, Nissan offered a group of young women the chance to get behind the wheel for the first time – with a surprise group of driving instructors: Instead of professional instructors, the women were met by their respective husbands, fathers and brothers, who were their teachers for the day.(


Tags: Industry: Advertising
Company: Nissan
Agency: TBWA
Country: Saudi Arabia
Prize: Cannes Lion Prize
Year: 2018
Creative Concept: Inside a car,Support
Type of content: Commercial
Language: English
Level: Market level - Changing the activity
Topics: Brand Marketing