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Creative Concept

Joe Vitale


Dr. Joe Vitale (born on dicember 29, 1953) is president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc, a marketing consulting firm. He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen.

He was recently featured on the best-selling program, The Secret, teaching people how to have, do, or be anything they want and to achieve their goals in every single area of life.

Joe's incredible story of using the Law of Attraction in his own life is an inspiration to thousands. 30 years ago, he was broke, desperate and living on the street. Through a series of odd "coincidences," he found his inner calling and has gone on to great fame and success. He has shared his knowledge and discoveries through several best-selling audio programs.

Joe has become one of the top copywriters in the world, and one of the most successful, respected marketers in world.


(Bibliography: )





Tags: Industry: Entrepreneurship
Company: Hypnotic Marketing
Country: United States
Creative Concept: Genius Marketing
Language: English

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