"The Scarecrow" is part of an ambitious content platform "Cultivate a Better World," designed to generate curiosity about where food comes from through the use of engaging entertainment. "The Scarecrow" film is set in a dystopian world where all food production is controlled by fictional industrial giant Crow Foods. The Crow Foods factory is staffed by scarecrows who have been displaced from their ...
Chipotle - Farmed and Dangerous Case Study
In what's probably Chipotle's most outrageous attempt to get customers to think about the meat they eat, the food company will debut a new show on Hulu called Farmed and Dangerous. The show will run as a four-episode series focusing on a fictional industrial agriculture company that comes up with a dubious plan to feed cows petroleum-base ...
Chipotle - Back to the Start Case Study (Cannes 2012)
A stop-motion animation shows the benefits of sustainable farming. In it, a farmer grows his farm into an industrial animal factory until he realizes the benefits of sustainable farming - and turns it back. All proceeds go to the Chipotle Cultivation Foundation. (http://creativity-online.com/)