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Total: 2 results found.
Tag: Company:Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz Tweet Race
  Mercedes-Benz Tweet Race The race was conducted on Twitter and chronicled in real time at www.mbtweetrace.com, generating vast amounts of wholly unfiltered content from teams and supporters — and bringing every aspect of the competition to life. As the bond between participants grew, the race reached millions of people and connected the brand with a new audience. (www.razorfish.com)  ...
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The Invisible Drive
The Invisible Drive MERCEDES-BENZ B-CLASS F-CELL is the first hydrogen fuel cell technology ready for serial production worldwide. Its an alternative drive system that is already on the road with o.o emission. That means invisible to the environment. This thought was made real with a spectacular event - the first invisible car to drive through Germany. By covering one side of the B-Class F-CELL  ...