Tags: Industry: Advertising,Chemical,PrintingCompany: EM,EmroCountry: ThailandPrize: Cannes Lion PrizeYear: 2014Creative Concept: MicroorganismLanguage: EnglishLevel: Place,Product level - ProductTopics: Green Marketing
Effective Microorganisms (EM), a green innovation, is a liquid-form of a combination of useful regenerated microorganisms consisting of Yeast, Photosynthetic Bacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria. It creates a synergy among microorganisms and larger forms of life including livestock, plants, pets and people without using chemicals. Simply put, EM can create a better world, but very few people know about it. Hence, EMRO-ASIA, the manufacturer of Effective Microorganisms (EM) in Thailand, wants to introduce EM technology and educate people about EM’s benefits. (https://www.spikes.asia/)