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Creative Concept
Total: 4 results found.
Tag: Creative Concept:Different Payment
The Story of M-Pesa
The Story of M-Pesa This 6-minute animation tells the story of how M-PESA, the popular mobile money transfer program, came to be in Kenya. It's narrated by Michael Joseph, the managing director of mobile money at Vodafone and the program's founder. The animation was produced as part of a series of online courses designed and delivered by the USAID Mobile Solutions Team, QED, and TechChange, a DC ...
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Max's favourites:
Jeff Bezos: about Amazon
Jeff Bezos: about Amazon business model and mission  
Transavia-eBay Transavia.com s'appuie sur un partenariat unique avec eBay en France et propose de convertir les objets inutilisés en billets d'avion. (http://www.lesgaulois.com)
The Hairfest by Casa de la Amistad Ogilvy
The Hairfest by Casa de la Amistad Ogilvy El primer festival en donde el boleto de entrada es tu pelo. Durante un tratamiento contra el cáncer, las pelucas ayudan a reforzar la autoestima de los niños. Pero no es tan fácil encontrar donadores ya que, para hacer una peluca, el pelo debe medir 25 centímetros o más y estar libre de colorantes. Por ello, creamos The Hair Fest, el primer  ...