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Creative Concept

John Chow


John Chow was born in a small farming village in Mainland, China. When he was 7 years old, he immigrated to Canada with his family.

In 2005, he started a blog income to prove you can make money by blogging. Goals was to make $3,000 a month on two hours a day.

In 2007 he started a new challenge: how much can you make from blogging if you pull out all that stops, but still work only two hours a day. In two years, the blog income $360,000.

In 2010, he published “Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul”. It becomes Amazon best seller within the first week of release.

He joined MOBE in 2012, and he becomes their biggest affiliate within six months.

"When I started, the options for monetizing a blog were pretty limited," Chow recalls. "But people keep coming up with new services that can help you make money."

(Bibliography: http://www.johnchow.com/about )



website http://www.johnchow.com/

Twitter https://twitter.com/JohnChow


Tags: Industry: Computer
Company: MOBE
Country: China
Creative Concept: Blogging
Language: English

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