To help build the habit of hand washing with soap among children in rural India, Savlon introduced special chalk sticks infused with soap. These could be used to write just like regular chalk sticks, but the chalk powder collected on kids’ hands while writing turned into cleansing soap when their hands came in contact with water. The simple innovation automatically turned washing hands with soap i ...
The group of workers come from almost all the south Asian & African countries looking to touch dreams that are perhaps very much out of their reach.
SmartLife has the aim the development and overall benefit is what we consider our priority. Whether that’s by setting them up with free English language lessons every week or by providing mentoring, even occasional trips outside the labour camps ...
gatorade sports homework
Our sedentary routine starts from youth, spending all day sitting in school, all afternoon sitting doing homework and the rest of the day sitting in front of a screen. Therefore, Gatorade introduced a new school activity, Sports Homework. An education app that allows teachers to assign sports homework to their students. (
Protect handwriting in schools | Project Learning Curve
Project Learning Curve is an app the agency conceived and worked with software developers to bring to life. The app allows teachers to measure students’ handwriting progress by putting a digital pen to paper. Just like wearable fitness trackers encourage people to exercise their hearts by tracking their miles, the Project L ...
Questo talent show è una scuola di danza e di canto, che coinvolge 20 studenti che aspirano a diventare professionisti: cantanti, ballerini. I concorrenti seguono per tutto l’anno lezioni di varie materi con i relativi insegnanti.
E un programma composto di due fasi. Nella prima fase le capacità artistiche degli aspiranti professionisti vengono perfezionate e giudicate esclusivamente dagli inseg ...
Piattoforte e un programma dedicato alla cucina semplice e casalinga, fortemente legata al territorio e il suo mondo alimentare.
Il team di piattoforte propone tutti i giorni una ricetta sfiziosa, sana ed economica, realizzabile senza troppe difficoltà e in poco tempo; affrontandola da punti di vista diversi tra loro e offrendo trucchi, soluzioni per la sua realizzazione. Ma, Piattoforte é anche ...