Rice Code
This revolutionary sales system made a live market out of rice paddies. Visitors to Inakadate Village could simply point their smartphone cameras at a rice paddy to purchase rice. Working on the principle of the QR code, the smartphone would "read" artwork located in the field, enabling users to place orders. (http://www.hakuhodo.jp)
Scanning a QR code became another part of our daily routines with the popularity of Alipay and WeChat payment systems. Recently Alipay has announced that facial recognition scans will soon be replacing the QR codes as a new form of payment. When shopping all you need to do is select facial scan payment and Alipay will automatically recognize your face and pay the bill from your Alipay a ...
Edo - Ora sai cosa mangi
Seguire una sana alimentazione è giusto, ma spesso non semplice da mettere in pratica. Noi ti aiutiamo a conoscere meglio ciò che mangi, a capire cosa c’è scritto nelle etichette e a scegliere in maniera consapevole. Vogliamo accompagnarti nel mondo dell’alimentazione cercando di chiarire dubbi, sfatare miti e soddisfare curiosità, in maniera semplice e alla portata di t ...
News Bottle!
In 2015 The Mainichi Newspapers created a campaign with the help of Densu Tokyo. They turned the mineral water packaging into the newspaper in order to target the young genreation.
The Exhibition of Bicycles' Abandoned Time
In Tokyo, over 2 million bikes are being disposed on the city streets every year, creating huge litter, blocking traffic, as well as being esthetically disturbing. But despite this reality, these bicycles went largely unnoticed sitting in the same spot, day after day. Our hypothesis was that it’s because the problem was “invisible.” With COGOO, ...