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Total: 3 results found.
Tag: Industry:Chemical
The Drinkable Book - Water is Life
The Drinkable Book - Water is Life “The Drinkable Book,” the first-ever Manual that teaches safe water tips and serves as a tool to kill deadly waterborne diseases – providing the reader with an opportunity to create clean, drinkable water with each page. “The Drinkable Book” features a brand new type of paper which works like a scientific coffee filter. Each page of the book is coated with si ...
3M - Petrifilm - 500 Nanometers Mail
Cannes Lions 2014 Winner / 3M - Petrifilm - 500 Nanometers Mail (Maruri Grey) Las personas que trabajan en laboratorios pasan un tercio de su vida mirando por un microscopio, así que decidimos sorprenderlos mientras utilizan este instrumento. Utilizando tecnología láser imprimimos un texto de 500 nanómetros, que es equivalente al tamaño de una bacteria, así que solo podía ser leído utilizando un ...
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Microorganisms Calendar
EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS CALENDAR - EMRO Asia Cannes Lions 2014 Winner Effective Microorganisms (EM), a green innovation, is a liquid-form of a combination of useful regenerated microorganisms consisting of Yeast, Photosynthetic Bacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria. It creates a synergy among microorganisms and larger forms of life including livestock, plants, pets and people without using chemical ...
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