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Total: 7 results found.
Tag: Creative Concept:Sail the sea
HOPE SOAP - WHO Y&R In South Africa, thousands die every year in disadvantaged areas from preventable diseases like typhoid, diarrhea, pneumonia, and cholera. This is due to lack of hygiene. Worst of all, the diseases affect the most vulnerable and innocent - our children. Enter Hope Soap, a see-through bar of soap with a small toy inside. The only way for kids to get to the toy is to use  ...
GIRAFFAS The Goal Screen
GIRAFFAS The Goal Screen Fast food chain Giraffas presents a different experience to their customers: a mobile game that integrated with their smartphones and turns the tray paper into a virtual soccer field.  Rip the side of the paper tray, make a paper ball and flick it into the screen! A unique game that can only be played at Giraffas restaurants and turns meals much more fun. (https://w ...
The Lionfish Invasion
The Lionfish Invasion Lionfish is an invasive foreign species that threatens the Caribbean; it lays more than 2,000,000 eggs per year, it has no natural predators in these waters and it feeds off of native species, destroying the coral reef. It has become a risk for the environment and the economy of more than 30 countries in the Caribbean. (https://www.youtube.com)  
Harrah's Baggage Carousel Roulette
Harrah's Baggage Carousel Roulette Wheel Their creative played on a gaming theme, while branding the fun and variety of events available at their property. Taking advantage of the dwell time of travelers waiting for luggage to arrive from the plane, the casino created a very captivating display that made a lasting impact. (http://doubletakemarketing.com/)
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Casinó Di Venezia - Keep Playing
Casinó Di Venezia - Keep Playing Abbiamo trasformato due nastri bagagli dell'aeroporto Marco Polo di Venezia in gigantesche roulette. I passeggeri hanno potuto scommettere su quale numero il loro bagaglio sarebbe stato riconsegnato. I bagagli in arrivo sul numero 16 (da 1638, anno della fondazione del Casinó di Venezia) hanno vinto istantaneamente un gadget. A tutti i passeggeri sono stati offer ...
The iPad is a line of tablet computers designed, developed and marketed by Apple Inc., primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, and web content. The iPad was introduced on January 27, 2010 by Apple's then-CEO Steve Jobs. Its size and weight fall between those of contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. The iPad runs the same operati ...
Cubo di Rubik
Il cubo di Rubik o cubo magico (Rubik-kocka in ungherese) è un celebre rompicapo (in particolare un twisty puzzle) inventato dal professore di architettura e scultore ungherese Ernő Rubik nel 1974. Chiamato originariamente Magic Cube (Cubo magico) dal suo inventore, il rompicapo fu rinominato in Rubik's Cube (Cubo di Rubik) dalla Ideal Toys nel 1980 e nello stesso anno vinse un premio speciale d ...