Targeting primary school children with very little or zero access to traditional or digital media, the creative idea led to a set of classroom posters that explained the importance of good oral health and how to achieve it. With the Colgate distribution network growing into the deepest pockets of the country, it was decided to actually print th ...
CELEM (European Women's Lobby): AbortionTravel
CELEM, the Spanish branch of The European Women’s Lobby,worked with DDB to create a pro-choice campaign that involved setting up a bricks-and-mortar travel agency that demonstrated what would happen if a more restrictive anti-abortion law passed. The current law allows unrestricted access to abortion during the first 14 wee ...
Vroom Ring Boom, Case Study, Cannes Lions 2014
Claro create Vroom Ring Boom, a catchy new song that children can sing to remind their parents not to use a cell phone when driving. The message is simple and direct – texting or calling while driving is dangerous. The campaign was so successful, Vroom Ring Boom will now be included in the Guatemalan Ministry of Education’s national curriculum. (htt ...
BILLS ONLY COLLECTION BOX - Cannes Lions 2014 Winner
Every year, during the Annual Fundraising Drive, the Mexican Red Cross has used coin boxes to get people’s donations on the streets. Even though Mexicans are eager donors, their donations remain pretty much the same over the years. The goal was to raise over 330 million pesos, which was seemingly impossible using the same channels as past ...
THE SOCIAL SWIPE - Cannes Lions 2014 Winners Case Study
A single credit card swipe donates 2 EUR and presents the result right away on the screen of the interactive billboard. Film sequences show how the bound hands of an imprisoned Filipino child are freed or how a slice of bread is cut for the daily meal of a familiy in Peru. (
Guerilla Marketing Example - Coca-Cola Happiness Vending Machine
A Coca-Cola vending machine delivered “doses” of happiness – everything from fresh flowers to pizza – to unsuspecting students on a college campus in New York. The hit viral video inspired dozens of similar stunts around the world and left Coke fans forever wondering, “Where Will Happiness Strike Next?” (http://www.coca-colaco ...
He Deos #ShowMenSomeLove -Anthem
The video asks the world to express some love and care for men. Simply put, it demands some attention towards the issues of Men. Started in 1999, the objective behind the day is to highlight discrimination against men and to appreciate their achievements and contributions to society. (
THIS IS WHOLESOME PR Gold Cannes Lions 2014
"We are tapping into a cultural insight that is very much about the change in the family dynamic and composition in America today. We relaunched the brand and talked to kids. That was the first time in a decade that we had national advertising campaign support beyond in-store S’mores. We’re now talking to parents and the cultural insight is that the fa ...
BALD CARTOONS PR Cannes Lions 2014
The initiative saw more than 40 children’s cartoons – including Garfield, Snoopy, Hello Kitty, and Popeye – become bald in support of children with cancer. Special episodes aired on TV, alongside content in newspapers, featuring the ‘Bald Cartoons’, driving home the message that children with cancer deserve to be seen like any other child. ( ...
Simple Harmony
What if people, earth, and industry were living in simple harmony? Get ready to charge, feed and clean to learn about all sorts of cool GE innovations that are making the world a better place. (
ASICS - ING New York City Marathon 'Support Your Marathoner' Program
As a long-time sponsor of the New York City Marathon, ASICS needed a spectacular stunt to engage fans and drive awareness during marathon week. Our solution: a one-of-a-kind custom-built treadmill that only runs at one speed, the speed of Ryan Hall, America’s fastest Marathoner. Mounted to the back of a truck that toured around ...
CoorDown - Integration Day
Il tema scelto per la Giornata Mondiale è il diritto alla felicità e al benessere delle persone con sindrome di Down. L'obiettivo è quello di promuovere una cultura della diversità e una vera integrazione nella società, in particolar modo nel mondo della scuola e del lavoro. La campagna di quest’anno prende spunto da un’email che una futura mamma, in attesa di un ...
Cannes Lions Winner - Case Study "Cardeñosa´s redemption" for Terra Sports
Terra commissioned DDB to create a campaign that generated traffic and publicized its sports website during the South African World Cup between June 11th and July 11th 2010. To accomplish this, we decided to use Julio Cardenosa, a former player on the Spanish national team, well known for having missed an extrem ...
Most marrow donor programmes rely on the family and friends of patients, or an occasional event, to recruit new donors. But this requires a huge number of man-hours and usually only yields a few dozen registrations. But by making marrow registration a part of an everyday act, and a part of a mass-produced consumer product, we're reaching a huge, new audience and reinve ...
[Hi-Res] A Million Reasons to Believe in Thailand [2 Gold Cannes Lions & FOMA Winners 2013]
Coca Cola as the ambassador of “Happiness” wanted to reverse the tide of bad news, inject positivism and uplift the country’s mood. The campaign did more than just raise the bar for media creativity; instead, Coca-Cola Thailand raised the morale of the whole nation bringing back happiness to the “Land ...
Life-saving Cable Project
To prompt blood donations, Y&R created and patented an innovative cable which allows people to donate energy from one phone to another. The message is simple: “Donate energy to save a phone. Donate blood to save a life.” (
Save the Troy Library "Adventures In Reverse Psychology"
Troy, Michigan, couldn’t afford to sustain its library, so it scheduled a vote for a tax increase. A strong antitax group waged a dominating campaign against it. Forming our own political group, we posted signs around town that said, “Vote to close Troy library Aug. 2, book burning party Aug. 5.” We drove voters to our Facebook page, addin ...
Cannes Lions 2013: DDB Mudra's campaign for 'Aarambh'
This campaign is a good example of a integration in a different way. Not typically through their use of marketing channels but through what it is actually portraying. This advert is an example of product design as well as a campaign to help school children, in less economically developed countries, have sufficient equipment and supplies for t ...